Are You:
A professional woman hoping to unlock your full potential and advance in your career?
Working tirelessly but being overlooked for promotions?
Aspiring to create a detailed and effective plan of action to land your dream job?
Concerned about a potential layoff or looking to move on from your current role?
Aiming to exemplify your value at your job and apply your talents to the fullest?
Wishing you had support from a coach that has followed a similar path to yours and made it happen for herself?
Are you lacking passion and feeling unmotivated in your current position?
Or Maybe You and Your Team Are:
Having trouble adapting to the changes happening in your company and in the marketplace?
Needing a coach that has successfully managed teams through change, similar to what you are dealing with?
Planning a meeting and need a speaker or help planning?
Wondering how to elevate your performance altogether?
My Mission:
What is the story you tell yourself about how you got to where you are today? Was it luck? What is the right place at the right time?
Many women executives have exactly what it takes to lead world-class teams and businesses; however, negative self-talk and a lack of confidence cloud the path to those opportunities. My mission is to help women meet and exceed their career objectives.
I will support you as your coach, mentor, and cheerleader. Together, we will identify those obstacles that are holding you back and create a career plan that leverages your strengths, builds your confidence, improves your performance, and, most importantly, moves you forward.

I Believe That:
• Successful enterprise requires a diverse workforce.
• Great leaders have the courage to be okay with imperfection.
• Every workplace needs a "no assholes" policy.
• Persistence and drive are better indicators of future success than IQ.
• Successful executives make health and wellness a priority.
I have developed these core beliefs over more than 25 years of experience in operations, strategy, and sales. As someone who has held C-suite positions in Fortune 500 companies, I have—at some point—walked in your shoes. I understand the challenges you are facing, the skills needed to be a highly successful and effective executive, and the process of building the confidence that you need. Let’s work together to help you achieve your goals.