Yep, even if you hate driving, put on your big girl panties and jump in the driver’s seat! Be ready for your next great career opportunity at all times. That’s right, even if you LOVE your current gig, you always need to be ready for your next role. And honestly, companies typically take employees by…

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I wake up every morning and my husband is standing next to the bed with a tray that has a mug with coffee that contains just the right amount of steamed milk, a bowl of yogurt with berries and my iPhone. I smile, he kisses my check, I get out of bed and he proceeds…

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You have a big speaking opportunity and you don’t want to F’up. Did you include humor upfront? If not, prepare for awkward silence and blank stares. I’m not suggesting you start a meeting/speech with lame jokes because then I’m not even listening. Seldom is anyone expecting a professional women to grab their attention and make…

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