Many speakers and managers are masters of metrics and showing the payoff or pain points of campaigns, processes, or team dynamics; after all, we are a data-driven society. However, if you want to create a behavior change in your staff or convince a client to buy your product, you need to hit an emotional note…

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Seth Godin’s recent blog, The physical therapy metaphor, resonated with me as a fantastic way to describe how we should be thinking about our projects, objectives, and career plan. Physical therapy takes time. The process is meant to strengthen, realign, or learn a physical ability. The outcome will be worth the trouble, as well reinforced…

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I follow Seth Godin, entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker on success in marketing, and he recently wrote a piece that applies to so many of us. We often commit to projects, then get apathetic or indignant along the way, many times with everyone involved rather than ourselves. Sometimes, we adopt an attitude of, “say yes…

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