I lived a big, exciting life as a media executive – full of celebrities, trips to Hollywood, award shows and galas – but after more than 25 years in the industry, I found myself with “a package”. Change can be exciting, particularly when YOU are driving the change. Career transitions that catch you off-guard, not so fun. I’ve found my new career but it has been a PAINFUL process. Here are a few things that I wish I knew prior to going through the transition:

  • Focus on the present and the future. Don’t relive work conversations or scenarios from the past…unless you are a masochist.
  • Surround yourself with people that make you feel good about yourself and that have your best interest at heart. Eliminate exposure to anyone that is not positive and supportive, especially negative friends and family members – we all have them.
  • Make a plan for your job search/career transition (see my “Stop Coasting – Drive Your Career” blog), now overlay that with your financial situation and give yourself a realistic timeline. Here’s where you find your most trusted friend that will commit to kick you in the ass to get you going just when you need it.
  • Give yourself time to come to grips with your new situation and settle your emotions so you can present your best self in your upcoming interviews. I interviewed too soon and recognized I still had some anger and resentment. I hired a coach to talk it through and started watching “The Good Place”…I really love Kristen Bell.
  • Look at the transition as an opportunity. Your boss did not have your best interest at heart anymore so she/he gave you both the time and money, to find a position/career that is even better for you. Have a little gratitude…and a big glass of wine.

Now smile, relax and get going!

Kim Martin

