Are you: A manager eager to hire bright, hardworking employees who will become invaluable contributors to your team one day? Sure, you know how to tell if someone has the qualifications and conversation skills, but how do you know how long they’ll stay? Will they fit the company culture? Are they going to take initiative…

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My daughters recently insisted I watch The King.  They know how much I love great dramas, mainly when based on a true story. Timothee Chalamet, equal parts Gen-Z heartthrob and timeless talent, plays Henry V, King of England, during the early 15th century.  Shortly after becoming King, Henry V listened to the guidance of one…

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There are more entrepreneurial opportunities today than ever before. We have the knowledge and tools to create thriving businesses. Think Squarespace – website builder, – project management platform, Shopify – e-commerce platform, etc. Building and running your own business can be rewarding and fulfilling, but not for everyone. Your entrepreneurship journey starts when you…

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Many speakers and managers are masters of metrics and showing the payoff or pain points of campaigns, processes, or team dynamics; after all, we are a data-driven society. However, if you want to create a behavior change in your staff or convince a client to buy your product, you need to hit an emotional note…

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Seth Godin’s recent blog, The physical therapy metaphor, resonated with me as a fantastic way to describe how we should be thinking about our projects, objectives, and career plan. Physical therapy takes time. The process is meant to strengthen, realign, or learn a physical ability. The outcome will be worth the trouble, as well reinforced…

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I follow Seth Godin, entrepreneur, best-selling author, and speaker on success in marketing, and he recently wrote a piece that applies to so many of us. We often commit to projects, then get apathetic or indignant along the way, many times with everyone involved rather than ourselves. Sometimes, we adopt an attitude of, “say yes…

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As professional women, we are all too familiar with the casual misogyny that rears its head in our careers. Maybe it’s a colleague that says something inappropriate, makes assumptions about your duties, or has a habit of talking over and interrupting you. While #MeToo has helped raise awareness and women to find their voice, there…

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“Have a bias towards action — let’s see something happen now. You can break that big plan into small steps and take the first step right away.” — Indira Gandhi Indira Gandhi, the Indian politician and stateswoman, must have made a great project manager. She realized that people need small, actionable steps to guide them…

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Life is exciting, and I want to experience it ALL. Unfortunately, the allure of the exciting is sometimes a catch 22: I often rush through experiences because I don’t want to miss anything. However, when I am doing this, I am not fully experiencing the richness of everything happening around me. I often catch myself…

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