April marks Stress Awareness Month—a time to pause, reflect, and take proactive steps in managing life’s pressures. With years of navigating challenges and growth, I’ve learned firsthand the fine balance between ambition and stress. But no need to fret! There’s a toolbox of strategies to tackle stress head-on and build resilience. Begin by identifying the…

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So, you want to hire some Gen Z superstars? Great choice! But to provide the ideal work environment and experience, you’ve gotta step up your game. Here are some easy tips to make your workplace irresistible to these digital natives: 1. Flexibility is Key: These emerging professionals love their freedom. Offer them flexible work arrangements,…

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Dealing with work stress can be daunting, especially if you’ve recently been promoted, added new responsibilities, changed jobs, or even put on a performance improvement plan. I have been in your shoes, and I hate that feeling of being overwhelmed with anxiety and stress. Here are the strategies that I use. 1. Meditation and Relaxation…

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This morning, I was in a spin class, pushing myself to give it my all. The instructor encourages everyone to wear a heart rate monitor because she posts each person’s numbers on a large screen for all class participants to see. Her goal is to motivate us with a little healthy competition and, being the…

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As we plan to bid farewell to 2023, it’s only fitting to pause and reflect on the journey you’ve had and all you’ve accomplished in this past year. Throughout the highs and lows, there’s no doubt you’ve experienced invaluable growth this year and are all the more poised to take on your goals for 2024.…

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As we near the year’s end, wrapping it up on a positive note sets the tone for a phenomenal year to come. Why not do so by making a positive impact in someone else’s life? Consider making a difference in someone’s career by becoming a mentor within your organization. Your guidance can be instrumental in…

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In a recent spin class, the instructor was working to motivate everyone to increase their speed and heart rate. She said, “Change nothing, nothing changes.” Days later, I’m still thinking about it… Change nothing, nothing changes.  It’s a simple, yet powerful, reminder that transformation needs action. It’s about breaking away from routine and embracing the…

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While at my hair salon appointment recently, I struck up a conversation with a fellow customer, where she began detailing to me her struggles while living through a home renovation. She vented about cost overruns, delays, and frustrations from every step of the process. The hairdresser working on my hair leaned in and whispered to…

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Growing up, investing was never a topic of discussion in my household. We talked politics, not portfolios. But as I hit the milestone of turning 30, a realization struck me—I needed to take charge of my financial future. This realization led me to a brief yet enlightening experience at a financial planning firm. I started…

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