How to Accomplish More at Work and in Life
We all know and see people around us who seem to be living accomplished and joyful lives. At first glance, I often think they must be overwhelmed and stressed out. Yet, when I begin to talk and interact with them, they actually seem genuinely calm and happy. What is it that makes someone’s drive to…
Read MoreHow Good Health Supports Happiness
Regularly taking the wonder drug — which includes some physical exercise, adequate sleep, a moderate natural diet, and five hugs a day — can add years to your life and life to your years! Dr. Tal Ben Shahar I’m on a mission to uncover the secrets to finding happiness and living each day with a…
Read MoreMindful or Mindless, Which Best Describes You?
I just watched an Ellen Langer speech on mindfulness, and I think it may have changed my life! Langer is a Psychology Professor at Harvard, and the crux of her talk was how we spend much of our day in mindlessness. Her assertion is spot on, we are rarely mindful throughout our days. We get caught up in our comfortable…
Read MoreVisualize It to Achieve It
When you have ambition about something like — success on a critical work project, losing weight, or being happier in life — how would you make it happen? Sure, you could buy a book, take a class, download an app, or hire a coach — all valid strategies. However, another technique many swear by, one…
Read MoreFlow States: How to Get in The Zone
When was the last time you were so absorbed in what you were doing that time stopped, other to-dos melted away, and nothing else seemed to matter? Athletes call it being “in the zone,” and musicians call it being “in the groove”; it’s the phenomenon of trance-like immersion into the activity at hand, of being…
Read MoreHow to Practice Self-Acceptance
We all like to believe that we can change our beliefs and behavior. And while it is possible, it is not easy. It takes enormous discipline to truly change yourself and your habits. For example, if you follow my blog, you know I’ve recently started a degree program in Happiness. By nature, I’m a glass-half-full…
Read MoreHow to Live an Extraordinary Life
The Objective: Lead a happy and extraordinary life. Honestly, who doesn’t want that? I’m at a place in my life where my priorities have changed. My kids have graduated from college and established themselves as working professionals. With them out of the house, I can focus on leading an interesting life full of adventure and…
Read MoreHow to Lead a Purposeful Career
If you’ve been keeping up with me recently, you’d know I’m on a “Happiness Journey”, studying what it means to find happiness. I am on a mission to better understand where the overlap is between professional success and true happiness, if any, as well as what we can do to live through happiness in spite…
Read MoreWhat’s Your Career Path?
We are coming out of the worst of Covid, and like me, you are most likely seeing the world through a different lens. You may be looking to change your career, or maybe you are a recent college graduate deciding on your career path. Whatever goal is on your horizon, many of us feel we…
Read MoreFinding Happiness
So, I have this personal quest…to fully understand happiness and how to FIND it. I want to know for my clients and myself. As a result, I’m getting a degree in Happiness from the University of Miami. (Didn’t know that was a possible degree to achieve, did you? Cue major academic regret…) The head of…
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