Archive for January 2021
What is YOUR X-Factor?
In these #WFH times, it is easy to lose sight of the big picture. We’re feeling frustrated, even bored of this ‘not normal’ dynamic. We hit the Covid-19 Wall. Embedded in this shared sense of dullness and fatigue, many of us often feel the absence of stimulation, purpose, and motivation. What drives you, and how…
Read MoreFive Strategies for a Successful Promotion
Great news, you finally received your well-deserved and looong overdue promotion. Champagne toast tonight (you earned it!), but what’s the plan starting tomorrow? Research shows that 45% of Millennials rate professional career growth as “very important” to them as opposed to 31% of GenXers and 18% of Baby Boomers. (Gallup State of the American Workplace…
Read MoreWomen, Time to Stop Apologizing!
“Sorry!” *running through door someone is holding open for me* “Sorry, it seems your WiFi connection is bad…” “Sorry, that time doesn’t work for me…” “I’m sorry, I didn’t receive that update…” Sound familiar? Women say it ALL day, EVERY day. We apologize when someone bumps into us, when someone misunderstands us, when something happens…
Read MoreConfidence 101: How to Amplify Your Career
Your inner superhero is closer than you think. Flipping the Script The key to creating the career you deserve is CONFIDENCE. I can not emphasize this one enough. Belief in yourself and your abilities is critical. There is no substitute for it. With that said, we all have a saboteur; it’s that little devil that…
Read MoreStep Up. Lead. Rinse. Repeat!
As ambitious, young professionals, I emphatically encourage you to step up and lead in your everyday encounters in the workplace. What does it take to be a leader, you may ask? Great leadership begins by embracing the real you, who you genuinely are. Outstanding leaders have integrity, authenticity, and vulnerability. To channel your outstanding inner…
Read MoreHow to Avoid Career Derailment: Tips for a Smooth Ride to Success
Careers can often be full of landmines, and sometimes we don’t recognize the warning signs until we step on them. Enter my next strategy: Avoid career derailments. First and foremost, gossip. Gossip is a professional landmine. Engaging in gossip is toxic at any time, but particularly in the workplace. It creates a culture of mistrust.…
Read MoreCrushing Your Professional Communication
Let’s talk about crushing your communications. Ironic since we live in a world of short, emoji-filled text messages where misspellings and grammar are overlooked and, according to my Gen Z-er, it is often acceptable. But in business communication, don’t discount writing. Eloquently composing a congratulatory note to your department or a point of view on…
Read MoreShe’s a Goal-Getter: Setting Yourself Up for Success in 2021
Happy New Year! Here’s to an enthusiastic buh-bye to 2020. Let’s start 2021 off right by setting achievable and motivating goals before January is over! My primary advice is to write professional and personal goals down somewhere you won’t lose track of throughout the year and can reference as needed, like in your planner or…
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